@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00001681, author = {黒柳, 準 and KUROYANAGI, Jun}, issue = {1}, journal = {鳥取大学学芸学部研究報告. 自然科学, Liberal arts journal. Natural science}, month = {Jul}, note = {This investigation was carried out in order to clarify the conditions of the growth of casting defects and to ascertain the effect of fluxes on removing of pinholes with the use of äluminium alloys. As the fluxes NaCl, CdCl₂, ZnCl₂, Na₂SiF₆, PbCl₂, SbCl₃, BiCl₂, Na₂CO₃ and KCl were used. The results obtained may be summarized as follows: 1. Size of casting mould, casting temperature and hardness of sand mould seem to give no influence for the growth of casting defects. 2. The larger the breadth of casting mould was, the greater number of casting defects arised on directly under the gate of pouring independently of the moisture of sand mould. 3. ZnCl₂ seems to be more effective for the fluxe on removing of pinholes than the other compounds.}, pages = {19--26}, title = {アルミニウム鋳物の鋳造欠陥の原因となる鋳造条件とピンホール除去に対するフラックスについての研究}, volume = {16}, year = {1965}, yomi = {クロヤナギ, ジュン and クロヤナギ, ジュン} }