@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00001685, author = {恩藤, 芳典 and 福田, 啓子 and ONDO, Yoshinori and FUKUDA, Keiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {鳥取大学学芸学部研究報告. 自然科学, Liberal arts journal. Natural science}, month = {Jul}, note = {1. Qualitative studies on the pioneer stage of plankton communities were carried out at the new fire pool (15×4.8×1.3m) in Tottori University, during the period from August, 1960 to September, 1961. 2. It happened a week after that Chlorella was seen immediately after the fire pool was filled to the brim with water. 3. 18 number of species of phytoplankton and 9 number of species of zooplankton were recorded during the period of investigation. They are as follows : Phytoplankton ; Chlorella, Scenedesmus A, S. obliquus, S. qua-dricauda, S. bijuga, S. acutus, Ankistrodesmus sp., Oedogonium sp., Pandorina sp., Phormidium sp., Mycrosystis sp., Peridinium sp., Cosmarium laeve, C. undulatum, C. pyramidatum, Euglena sp. Acknanthes, Nitzschia ; Zooplankton, : Monostyla sp. M. bulla, Diptella, Brachionus quadridentatus, Br. anglaris, Br. bakeri, Bosmina sp., Eucyclops sp/. Na-uplius sp/. Vorticella sp. 4. 5 number of species belonging to Rotifera were seen for a month past after the fire pool was quite full, and another species of zooplanktons, i.e. those of ladocera or Copepoda were seen in after nine mo-nths when the fire pool was quite full. 5. At late days when the zooplanktonic species have been appeared in the fire pool, interspecies comp-etition between Chlorella and zooplankton was able to observe.}, pages = {60--64}, title = {防火用貯水池における初期遷移段階のプランクトンについて}, volume = {16}, year = {1965}, yomi = {オンドウ, ヨシノリ and フクダ, ケイコ and オンドウ, ヨシノリ and フクダ, ケイコ} }