@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00001689, author = {毛利, 亮太郎 and Mohri, Ryotaro}, issue = {1}, journal = {鳥取大学学芸学部研究報告. 自然科学, Liberal arts journal. Natural science}, month = {Jul}, note = {In order to find the reasons for the formation of many defecting casting on A-foundry in Tottori city, moisture, grading, test piece and permeability of molding sand were tested, also compression test was puted in operation. As the results of those experiments, the molding sand of A-foundry showed about 22% with aging degree, but the sand was younger than the sand of B- and C-foundry. Also the above mentioned natures of the sand were not inferior than the natures of B- and C-. So the author considered that the formation of many defective casting must be attributed to the other factors.}, pages = {86--89}, title = {鋳造欠陥の防止に関する研究(Ⅱ) : 鋳物砂に関する実験}, volume = {16}, year = {1965}, yomi = {モウリ, リョウタロウ and モウリ, リョウタロウ} }