@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:02001326, author = {Saiga,Miho and 山本,陽子 and Yamamoto,Yoko and 奥田,玲子 and Okuda,Reiko and 深田,美香 and Fukada,Mika}, issue = {1}, journal = {Yonago Acta Medica}, month = {Feb}, note = {Background: Clinical nursing competence includes ethics, cooperation with other professionals, and management, in addition to nursing abilities and responding per situation. Therefore, it may vary depending on one’s experience and the work environment. However, there is a lack of studies exploring the competence for different experience levels. Therefore, this study aimed to clarify the association between clinical nursing competence and the work environment by experience groups. Methods: Anonymous self-administered questionnaire surveys were conducted on 717 nurses in regional core hospitals from December 2017 to March 2018. Clinical nursing competence was measured using the Clinical Nursing Competence Self-Assessment Scale (CNCSS). Association of CNCSS with experience and work environment was examined. Results: Responses from 231 nurses with 1–10 years of experience were analyzed. Compared with those in the 2-year experience group, those in the 3–5- and 6–10-year experience groups assessed their “planned development of nursing care” and “assessment of care” competencies to be higher. Additionally, compared with those in the 2-year experience group, those in the 6–10-year experience group assessed their “clinical judgment” and “care coordination” competencies to be higher. Nurses with 1 year of experience showed significant positive correlations between clinical nursing competence and “good interpersonal relationship,” “clarity about the organization’s vision,” and “ease of taking time off”; and those with 6–10 years of experience showed significant positive correlations between clinical nursing competence and “support from superiors and senior coworkers” and “established and easily accessible support system for taking time off for childcare and caregiving.” Conclusion: The relationship between clinical nursing competence and the work environment differed according to years of experience. Interventions to improve clinical nursing competence should be developed for each experience group considering the associations.}, pages = {9--21}, title = {Relationship Between Clinical Nursing Competence and Work Environment by Career Stage for Nurses with 1–10 Years of Clinical Experience}, volume = {67}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ヤマモト,ヨウコ and オクダ,レイコ and フカダ,ミカ} }