@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:02001373, author = {藤原,一恵 and FUJIWARA,Kazue}, journal = {鳥取大学附属中学校研究紀要, Bulletin of the Tottori University Junior High School}, month = {Mar}, note = {様々な課題に直面し立ち向かうために,物事に対して問いを立て試行錯誤していくことが必要である。読み取ったことを「語る」学習を通して,生徒自身が問いを立てて作品の主題を読み取ることに取り組んだ。その成果と課題を報告する。, In order to face and confront various issues, it is necessary to ask questions and go through trial and error. Through learning to "speak" what they have read, the students themselves asked questions and worked on reading the theme of the work. Report on the results and challenges.}, pages = {17--20}, title = {主体的な読み手の育成:自分の言葉で「語る」ためのトレーニングを通して}, volume = {55}, year = {2024} }