@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:02001384, author = {竹川,由紀子 and TAKEKAWA,Yukiko}, journal = {鳥取大学附属中学校研究紀要, Bulletin of the Tottori University Junior High School}, month = {Mar}, note = {本校では2014 年度より英国の学校と生徒同士の文通交流を始めた。2015 年,2017年には英国より生徒を迎え,両国の生徒同士が授業で交流した。しかし,隔年で実施してきたこの交流はコロナ禍を境に途切れてしまう。本校が積み上げてきた他国との交流を継続し,今後も教育の柱として根付かせることが重要かつ,本校独自の特色ある活動としたいと考え,実現可能な国際理解教育の在り方を示した。, In 2014, our school began pen-pal exchanges with schools in the UK. In 2015 and 2017, we welcomed students from the UK, and students from both countries interacted in class. However, this exchange, which had been held every other year, came to an end due to the coronavirus pandemic. We believe that it is important to continue the exchanges that our school has accumulated with other countries and make them a pillar of education in the future, and that we want to make our activities unique to our school.}, pages = {83--89}, title = {国際理解教育の推進:特色ある教育の再構築をめざして}, volume = {55}, year = {2024} }