@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00002617, author = {Nakai, Ikuo and Nakai, Ikuo and Ouchi, Isuke and Maeda, Hironobu and Ouchi, Isuke and Maeda, Hironobu}, journal = {鳥取大学教養部紀要, The journal of the Faculty of General Education}, month = {Nov}, pages = {135--146}, title = {Can we analyze the Ni K edge EXAFS near the Gd L1 edge in a metallic compound GdNi2?}, volume = {28}, year = {1994}, yomi = {オオウチ, イスケ and マエダ, ヒロノブ and オオウチ, イスケ and マエダ, ヒロノブ} }