@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00002729, author = {Iwakami, Haruko and Iwakami, Haruko}, journal = {鳥取大学教養部紀要, The journal of the Faculty of General Education}, month = {Sep}, note = {Two things are central to the situation of the Victorian novel : the striking advance of women novelists and an increase in the subject rnatter of marriage and family These two themes are closely related to each other. The most obvious female fictional material was thought to be domestic situations. Women novelists, living in the overwhelmingly paternalistic Victorian society, were subject to restrictions on what they wrote They M/ere expected to present the image of ideal wives and mothers as required by the male― dominant society. As a result, their works reflected the matrimonial ideology Of their time to various degrees. Some of the most interesting novelists, however, were not perfectly at ease with the established sociai values but questioned or attacked the concept Of male dominance and female submission. Charlotte Brontё (1816-1855), one of the early Victorian women novelists, was not always free from the matrimonial ideology of their time She was rather conservative in her view of rnarriage,at -taching importance to self- sacrificing iOve and the devotedness of HIomen.However,she was not at all conventional in creating her heroine」 ane Eyre.Her triumphant remark at the end Of the nOvel ttReader, I married hiln!"was an utterly neM′ vOice in English fictiOn She~ vas the first heroine to express her iOve to a gentleman, M′ hich Ⅲvas considered at that tinae as the last thing to do for a respectable lady.She realised her ideal rnarriage based on iove in a tilne when one's sociaI Status or property MIere more important than iOve in match― making. This paper discusses the Victorian social cOntext and its influence on the literary treatment ofiove and marriage in y,″ ¢垣)紹, I should like to shOw that through the uniOn of Jane and Rochester, Charlotte attempted to provide us、vith an untraditional vielll of marital relations}, pages = {153--165}, title = {Aspects of Love and Marriage in Jane Eyre}, volume = {21}, year = {1987} }