@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00003463, author = {撰, 達夫 and 河原, 喜八 and 田中, 昌也 and Erabi, Tatsuo and Kawahara, Kihachi and Tanaka, Masaya}, issue = {1}, journal = {鳥取大学工学部研究報告, Reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University}, month = {Sep}, note = {Using the membrane electrodes with sodium- or calcium ion as a fixed ion, concentration of sodium- or calcium ion in the solutions was determined by means of measuring the electromotive forces. In the solution containing only a cation, all electrodes prepared represented the linear relation obeying to the Nernst equation as far as lower concentration ranges. On the other hand, in the solution containing two or more cations, many cations except the object cation affected the responsibility of electrodes. Then, using the membrane electrode with calcium ion as a fixed ion in the chelate formation reaction Ca⁺⁺+Mg-EDTA→Ca-EDTA+Mg⁺⁺, determination of calcium ion in the solution was tried, and the equivalent point was determined not so accurately.}, pages = {47--53}, title = {イオン選択性電極を用いるナトリウムイオン, カルシウムイオンの測定}, volume = {2}, year = {1971}, yomi = {エラビ, タツオ and カワハラ, キハチ and タナカ, マサヤ and エラビ, タツオ and カワハラ, キハチ and タナカ, マサヤ} }