@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00003480, author = {寺西, 靖治 and Teranishi, Seiji}, issue = {1}, journal = {鳥取大学工学部研究報告, Reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Recently, the technique of systems engineering have been applied to planning the sewer systems. This method may needs numerous data which is used to analyse and to calculate, but it became easy to perform such jobs owing to the wider distribution of the digital computer. However, in case of design of the sewer conduits, the way to simulate the characteristic of the drainage area in order to automatic calculation is unfinished. Nowadays, we can only re-examine the elements of the whole system to complete the simulation model. Then, for the first step to solve this problem, the author tried to use the aerial photograph. The aerial photograph is analised by the density meter automatically, and made into the numerical values, and then, it became possible to make the programs concerning calculation of the rate of storm water runoff. The use of aerial photograph may be available for any runoff calculation methods.}, pages = {64--72}, title = {下水道設計の自動化}, volume = {1}, year = {1970}, yomi = {テラニシ, セイジ and テラニシ, セイジ} }