@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00000401, author = {神谷, 哲司 and Kamiya, Tetsuji}, issue = {3}, journal = {地域学論集 : 鳥取大学地域学部紀要, Regional studies : Tottori University journal of the Faculty of Regional Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper aims to investigate differences in fathers’ and mothers’ perceptions of infant cries in child-rearing, and the correlation of their perception and family relationships from the viewpoint of the family system. Fifteen fathers and twenty-nine mothers with preschool children rated the cries of infants who had been evaluated as low and high for risk/complications, and completed a questionnaire about their family relationships.  The results were as follows:(1) Both mothers and fathers were able to discriminate two kinds of cries,(2) Fathers especially discriminated two kinds of cries more definitely than mothers on features, such as the items of“ piercing” or“ sick”. As for the correlation between perception of cries of highcomplication infants and their family relationships of participants or their partners,(3) Negative perception of mothers was correlated with their own daily stress of child-rearing,(4) Negative perception of both mothers and fathers was correlated with their partner’s daily stress of child rearing or the consciousness of their marital relationship. These results demonstrated that both mothers’and fathers’ perceptions of infant cries might be relevant to their family relationships through thetransaction process in the family system.}, pages = {316--326}, title = {乳児の泣き声に対する父母の知覚と育児意識との関連 : 家族システムの観点から}, volume = {3}, year = {2007}, yomi = {カミヤ, テツジ} }