@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00004200, author = {岩井, 仁美 and 安井, 仁 and Iwai, Hitomi and Yasui, Hitoshi}, journal = {鳥取大学附属中学校研究紀要, Bulletin of the Tottori University Junior High School}, month = {Mar}, note = {学習指導要領では保健体育科の目標として「生涯にわたる健康の保持増進と豊かなスポーツライフの実現」が掲げられている。運動が好きで積極的に取り組める生徒は今後も運動に親しむであろうが, 運動に消極的な考えの生徒に運動の楽しさや喜びを経験させ, 運動に対する自信を味わうことが, 生涯スポーツにつながると考え, 本校の研究主題『学ぶ力を育む「やりくり」授業の開発』に基づき陸上競技リレーの授業を実践した。一斉授業ではなく, ペアで試行錯誤しながら取り組む授業スタイルを取り入れた。 運動に消極的な考えの生徒に着目し, 授業前後の運動有能感の変容や授業後の生徒の感想などから検討した。結果は運動有能感の因子である「統制感」の優位な数値向上が見られた。|In the Courses of Study, the goal of health and physical education is to“ maintain and promote lifelong health and realize a rich sports life. Students who like exercise and can actively engage in it will continue to enjoy it, but students who are reluctant to exercise should experience the joy and pleasure of exercise and gain confidence in exercise, which will lead to lifelong sports. We practiced a class of track and field relay. Instead of a simultaneous class, we adopted a class style in which students work in pairs through trial and error. We focused on the students who were reluctant to exercise, and examined the changes in their motor competence before and after the class and their impressions after the class. The results showed that the“ sense of control,” which is a factor of motor competence, increased predominantly.}, pages = {105--108}, title = {試行錯誤しながら学ぶ「陸上競技リレー」授業 : 運動に消極的な生徒に注目して}, volume = {53}, year = {2022} }