@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00000423, author = {石田, 開 and 石上, 令子 and 植木, 綾子 and 竹内, 亜理子 and 小林, 勝年 and Kobayashi, Katsutoshi and 寺川, 志奈子 and Terakawa, Shinako and 田丸, 敏高 and Tamaru, Toshitaka and 小枝, 達也 and Koeda, Tatsuya and Ishida, Hiraku and Ishigami, Reiko and Ueki, Ayako and Takeuchi, Ariko}, issue = {3}, journal = {地域学論集 : 鳥取大学地域学部紀要, Regional studies : Tottori University journal of the Faculty of Regional Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this study, 32 5-year-olds were observed during controlled play sessions, where four same-sex children unfamiliar to each other played together with two adults guiding their play. Sessions were first begun with parents of children, and included separation from parents, Japanese traditional play, two-times unattended free play, and interviews immediately after play. There children were measured and rated by observers in extent they participated in the play. On separation, children coded if they accepted dismissal of their parents. In Japanese traditional play, children were rated their achievement for taking two different roles, a leading role, and a herd-like role. Additionally they were measured in their amounts of locomotion during the unattended play. The results showed several tendencies about children’s participation to play. First, their locomotion during the unattended play generally increased from the first unattended play to the second, suggesting that they adjusted their behavior during the session. Moreover, their increment was related to the descriptions on the groups by an adult who had guided their play; groups whose increment of locomotion was relatively large had the description that the group consisted of one leading child and children who followed him or her, and the other groups did not. Secondly, their achievement for the leading role in the traditional play was correlated with positive impressions of that play stated by children on interviews, but the herd role was not, although those two different types of roles were correlated. These results are discussed in terms of the possibility to measure children's attendance at groups quantitatively and objectively.}, pages = {353--366}, title = {保育的観察による5歳幼児のピア関係形成に関する研究 : その測定についての予備的研究}, volume = {2}, year = {2006}, yomi = {イシダ, ヒラク and イシガミ, レイコ and ウエキ, アヤコ and タケウチ, アリコ and コバヤシ, カツトシ and テラカワ, シナコ and タマル, トシタカ and コエダ, タツヤ and イシダ, ヒラク and イシガミ, レイコ and ウエキ, アヤコ and タケウチ, アリコ} }