@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00004251, author = {山脇, 雅也 and YAMAWAKI, Masaya}, journal = {鳥取大学附属中学校研究紀要, Bulletin of the Tottori University Junior High School}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では, 箱ひげ図を用いた統計的な探究の学習指導の条件と制約を, 数学的活動のレイヤー論により明らかにした。その成果として,(1) 次の単元(全3 時間) を設計した:「何時に, どの回転寿司のお店に行くか? (手法の必要性)」; 「純利益が多いプロ野球球団はどんな観客動員数か(傾向による比較)」;「ここ数年の8 月の最高気温は異常気象と言えるか(傾向による推測)」。(2) 学習指導の条件は, 1) 複数の集団のデータを扱う文脈であること, 2)必要に応じてデータの箱ひげ図が瞬時に得られること; 制約は, 3) 新学習指導要領下で, 主に分析の相と結論の相の往還に焦点化された授業設計であること, 4) 一授業時間内の探究のサイクルは一巡となること,である。 / In this paper, conditions and constraints of didactics of the statistical inquiry using boxplots were analyzed using the theory for layers of mathematical activities. As result, (1) designing a unit (an organization of three lessons) : “Which conveyor belted sushi restaurant would you like to go to? What time are you going?” [necessity of the method]; “Is there a relationship between the number of spectators and net income of the teams of NPB (Nippon Professional Baseball) ?” [comparison of the trends]; “Can we say that the maximum temperature in August in a recent couple of years is abnormal weather?” [reasoning by trends]. Furthermore, (2) conditions for teaching: 1) it needs a context with multiple data sets; 2) in the Japanese course of study that published in FY 2017, it is able to gain instantly a presentation of the data in the boxplot as necessary, and constraints for teaching: 3) the lesson design should be focused mainly on the dialectics of the phases between the analysis and the conclusion; and 4) the cycle of inquiry in the lesson has to be spiral.}, pages = {35--54}, title = {中学校数学科における検証を重視した統計的な探究の学習指導(2) : 第2 学年単元「データの活用」における箱ひげ図による分析の授業研究}, volume = {50}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ヤマワキ, マサヤ and ヤマワキ, マサヤ} }