@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00004298, author = {松下, 遥香 and 森脇, 真美子 and 八幡, 風詩 and 酒井, 知恵子 and Sakai, Chieko and Matsushita, Haruka and Moriwaki, Mamiko and Yawata, Huuta}, issue = {1-3}, journal = {米子医学雑誌, The Journal of the Yonago Medical Association}, month = {May}, note = {This study aimed to analyze the current situation of family support provided by nurses for diet therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes and to investigate how family support can be improved. We extracted literature from the online database “Ichushi-Web” with the keywords “type 2 diabetes,” “family,” “self-efficacy,” “diet therapy,” and “self-management” and categorized the results. Forty-two reports on adults were suitable for analysis. Results were grouped into six categories: “changes induced by family support in the patient’s awareness and behavior,” “interactive effect between interaction with others and the patient’s awareness,” “support is delayed when the patient feels emotional distance from family members or an excessive sense of responsibility,”“ changes in the family’s level of interest in the patient’s disease and treatment,” “the patient’s self-management skills increase when a mutual cooperation system of dietary management with family members is in place,” and“ family members learn how to reduce stress and burdens.” Our findings suggest that when nurses provide family support, it is important that they understand the social background of patients and their families. To raise patients’ sense of self-efficacy, nurses should provide comprehensive support, such as providing information to families, establishing relationships with them, and assisting with preparing a suitable environment.}, pages = {21--30}, title = {2型糖尿病患者の食事療法に対する家族支援の実態と課題}, volume = {73}, year = {2022}, yomi = {サカイ, チエコ} }