@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00004304, author = {大東, 美佐子 and 花木, 啓一 and Hanaki, Keiichi and Daito, Misako}, issue = {4-5}, journal = {米子医学雑誌, The Journal of the Yonago Medical Association}, month = {Sep}, note = {PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the current stress experienced by nurses working at a university hospital that accepts COVID-19 patients and the factors associated with it, and to obtain suggestions on how to provide effective support to them. METHODS: An online, anonymous, self-administered survey was conducted among 845 nurses. The number of “yes” responses to 25 questions on the “Stress Checklist for COVID-19 Responders” was used as the subject’s stress level. RESULTS: The median stress level was 3, and the most common type of stress was “anxiety about infection”. Comparison between factors showed that nurses with “direct patient care experience”, “more than 10 years of experience”, and “certified as a response nurse” had higher stress levels. These three attributes were also significantly associated with stress levels in the multivariate analysis. Nurses were working to maintain their mental health by taking measures such as “enjoying activities at home”, and “getting enough sleep”, but at the same time, “a sense of mission as a nurse”, “sense of social obligation”, “benefits” etc. were the driving forces for continuing work. CONCLUSION: In order for nurses to fulfill their job responsibilities with satisfaction, they need not only the encouragement of their supervisors, but also an ongoing support system in the hospital organization, including emotional support, work adjustment, and financial rewards.}, pages = {73--82}, title = {COVID-19患者に対応する大学病院に勤務する看護師が受けるストレスとその関連要因}, volume = {73}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ダイトウ, ミサコ and ハナキ, ケイイチ and ダイトウ, ミサコ} }