@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00004306, author = {宮谷, 幸造 and Miyatani, Kozo and 柗見, 吉朗 and 澤田, 将平 and 牧野谷, 真弘 and 宮内, 亘 and 宍戸, 裕二 and Shishido, Yuji and 松永, 知之 and Matsunaga, Tomoyuki and 坂本, 照尚 and Sakamoto, Teruhisa and 長谷川, 利路 and 堀江, 享史 and 藤原, 義之 and Fujiwara, Yoshiyuki and Matsumi, Yoshiaki and Sawata, Shohei and Makinoya, Masahiro and Miyauchi, Wataru and Hasegawa, Toshimichi and Horie, Atsushi}, issue = {1-4}, journal = {米子医学雑誌, The Journal of the Yonago Medical Association}, month = {Aug}, note = {The purpose of this study is to explore the exosomal microRNAs obtained from peritoneal fluids of gastric cancer patients, which are specific for peritoneal metastasis (PM) and could be a predictive marker of disease status in PM. Exosomes were isolated from peritoneal fluids of patients of gastric cancer with PM. Presence of isolated extracellular vesicles (EVs) from peritoneal fluid specimens were confirmed using a transmission electron microscope showed that many EVs were approximately 100 nm in diameter, which were equivalent to exosome fractions. We carried out RNA extraction and comprehensive array analysis of exosomal microRNAs and have identified that 86 microRNAs were significantly up- or down-regulated in all 4 specimens and that out of them, miR-323-3p was highly expressed in all 4 cases. In this way, we have established an experimental system for measuring exosomal microRNAs in peritoneal lavage specimens. Next, we plan to apply this analysis for additional peritoneal lavage specimens obtained from gastric cancer patients with or without PM and to identify specific microRNAs, which could be predictive biomarkers for the disease status of PM in gastric cancer.}, pages = {1--5}, title = {胃癌腹水中エクソソームに存在するmicroRNAの 臨床応用に向けた基礎的研究}, volume = {72}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ミヤタニ, コウゾウ and マツミ, ヨシアキ and サワタ, ショウヘイ and マキノヤ, マサヒロ and ミヤウチ, ワタル and シシド, ユウジ and マツナガ, トモユキ and サカモト, テルヒサ and ハセガワ, トシミチ and ホリエ, アツシ and フジワラ, ヨシユキ and マツミ, ヨシアキ and サワタ, ショウヘイ and マキノヤ, マサヒロ and ミヤウチ, ワタル and ハセガワ, トシミチ and ホリエ, アツシ} }