@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00004325, author = {藤原, 紀子 and 吉岡, 伸一 and Yoshioka, Shin-ichi and Fujiwara, Noriko}, issue = {4-6}, journal = {米子医学雑誌, The Journal of the Yonago Medical Association}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study was performed to clarify the difficulties encountered by professional training college teachers as they provided practical training to students with possible developmental disability. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted among 95 teachers at professional training colleges. The survey covered items that included teacher background factors as well as school organizational characteristics, support for practical training, and difficulties in providing practical training, using scales specifically developed for this study. Responses were obtained from 69 teachers and 63 (65.6%) were classified as valid responses. Investigation of teacher background factors in relation to difficulties in providing practical training revealed that teachers were less likely to experience difficulty during practical training for students with reading/writing difficulties, while they were more likely to experience difficulty for students with inattention. One of the factors associated with teachers who were less likely to experience difficulty was having their own class. Moreover, a significant correlation by Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient analysis was found between school organizational characteristics and support for practical training. At professional training colleges, teachers are required to understand the tasks involved in practical training and should be able to obtain support from the school organization during that process.}, pages = {48--56}, title = {専門学校教員が抱く発達障害傾向のある学生への実習指導困難感}, volume = {70}, year = {2020}, yomi = {フジワラ, ノリコ and ヨシオカ, シンイチ and フジワラ, ノリコ} }