@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00004327, author = {小谷, 勇 and Kodani, Isamu and 田村, 隆行 and Tamura, Shin-ichi}, issue = {1-2}, journal = {米子医学雑誌, The Journal of the Yonago Medical Association}, month = {Mar}, note = {Clinical analysis was performed for 62 patients with jaw deformities who had undergone orthognathic surgery in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tottori University Hospital from 2004 to 2017. The results were as follows: The total number of patients was 62 cases. The patients were 24 males and 38 females(male to female ratio of 1:1.6).The most predominant diagnosis was mandibular prognathism(72.6%).Sagittal splitting ramus osteotomy (SSRO)or Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy(IVRO) alone was the most frequent surgical procedure, accounting for 72.6%. The combination of Le Fort I osteotomy and SSRO/IVRO accounting for 24.5% from 2010.}, pages = {1--6}, title = {鳥取大学医学部附属病院歯科口腔外科における顎矯正手術の臨床的検討}, volume = {69}, year = {2018}, yomi = {コダニ, イサム and タムラ, タカユキ} }