@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00004332, author = {遠藤, 有里 and Endo, Yuri and 杉原, 佑美 and 祖田, 亜希子 and 藤原, 汐里 and 村上, 怜花 and 花木, 啓一 and Hanaki, Keiichi and 南前, 恵子 and Minamimae, Keiko and Sugihara, Yumi and Sota, Akiko and Fujihara, Shiori and Murakami, Reika}, issue = {3-5}, journal = {米子医学雑誌, The Journal of the Yonago Medical Association}, month = {Sep}, note = {The purpose of the current study was to obtain a hint how to improve the way children get along with various media in their daily life. For this purpose, we conducted an inventory survey on mothers who had infants and toddlers to describe the way their children get along with media and how that way is influenced by mothers’ attitude and thought. We found that the longer the daily time mothers contact with a media, the longer the time their children do so. We also found that, when mothers are reluctant for their children to contact with a media, their children tend to spend less time with the media. These findings suggest that the way children get along with a media is influenced by their mothers’ attitude to and thought on the media.}, pages = {43--49}, title = {乳幼児のメディア接触と母親の意識・行動との関連}, volume = {69}, year = {2018}, yomi = {エンドウ, ユリ and スギハラ, ユミ and ソタ, アキコ and フジハラ, シオリ and ムラカミ, レイカ and ハナキ, ケイイチ and ミナミマエ, ケイコ and スギハラ, ユミ and ソタ, アキコ and フジハラ, シオリ and ムラカミ, レイカ} }