@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00004350, author = {中村, 真由美 and 吉岡, 伸一 and Yoshioka, Shin-ichi and Nakamura, Mayumi}, issue = {1-2}, journal = {米子医学雑誌, The Journal of the Yonago Medical Association}, month = {Mar}, note = {Stress management in hospital nurses, aimed to benefit both the individual and the organization, is an important issue because occupational stress in nurses increases with the advancement in medicine and increasing needs of patients. For the purpose of empowering nurses in work engagement, this study examined how nurse’s demographic characteristics; work environment; turnover intentions; job support; and the presence of nurses with high work motivation and great empowerment, including job satisfaction, autonomy, and work effectiveness, were related to their work engagement. The study participants were 618 nurses in a university hospital. The Japanese short version of Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-J) was used to evaluate the work engagement. According to the results, significant differences in work engagement were recognized relating to age, marital status, presence of children, job type and status, turnover intentions, workplace atmosphere and human relations, social support, and presence of nurses with high work motivation and great empowerment. Results showed that a friendly atmosphere and good human relations in the workplace, appropriate leadership support for young nurses, and the creation of a work environment that young nurses can retain is beneficial in promoting work engagement. Additionally, it is important for the nurse manager, who is a key person in the social support network, to create a work environment for working lively, to enhance his or her own work engagement.}, pages = {17--28}, title = {大学病院に勤務する看護職員のワーク・エンゲイジメントに影響する要因}, volume = {67}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ナカムラ, マユミ and ヨシオカ, シンイチ and ナカムラ, マユミ} }