@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00004966, author = {Qian, Weibin and Hasegawa, Junichi and Hasegawa, Junichi and Tsuno, Satoshi and Endo, Yusuke and Endo, Yusuke and Matsuda, Akiko and Matsuda, Akiko and Miura, Norimasa and Miura, Norimasa and Qian, Weibin and Tsuno, Satoshi}, issue = {4}, journal = {Yonago Acta medica, Yonago Acta medica}, month = {Dec}, pages = {147--158}, title = {Effects of Kampo Formulas on the Progression of Hypercholesterolemia and Fatty Liver Induced by High-Cholesterol Diet in Rats}, volume = {57}, year = {2014} }