@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00005069, author = {Kishimoto, Takuji and Kishimoto, Takuji and Kaetsu, Akihiko and Kaetsu, Akihiko and Osaki, Yoneatsu and Osaki, Yoneatsu and Okamoto, Mikizoh and Okamoto, Mikizoh and Nagai, Mariya and Kurosawa, Yoichi and Kurosawa, Yoichi and Yoshida, Soichi and Nagai, Mariya and Yoshida, Soichi}, issue = {1}, journal = {Yonago Acta medica, Yonago Acta medica}, month = {Mar}, note = {The relationship between cardiovascular disease and Glu298Asp polymorphism of nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene in vascular endothelial cells is controversial due to conflicting results. To demonstrate the effects of Glu298Asp polymorphism of the eNOS gene on eNOS gene expression by excluding the effects of various confounding factors, eNOS mRNA and protein expressions were measured using cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) according to genotypes of Glu298Asp polymorphism of the eNOS gene. eNOS mRNA expression was measured by real-time PCR/reverse trasnscription-PCR. eNOS protein expression was measured by an immunoassay method. HUVECs with Glu298Asp tended to show higher eNOS mRNA and protein expressions than those with Glu298Glu, but the difference was not significant. These results suggest that the genotypic difference of Glu298Glu and Glu298Asp has no effect on eNOS mRNA and protein expressions.}, pages = {59--62}, title = {Effects of Glu298Asp Polymorphism of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS) Gene on eNOS mRNA and Protein Expressions in Cultured Human Vascular Endothelial Cells}, volume = {49}, year = {2006} }