@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00000631, author = {山田, 智子 and 藤田, 宏美 and 陶, 健 and 余語, 宗紀 and 池田, 和幸 and 森本, 順子 and 鳥井, 葉子 and Yamada, Tomoko and Fujita, Hiromi and Tao, Jien and Yogo, Munenori and Ikeda, Kazuyuki and Morimoto, Junko and Torii, Yoko}, issue = {1}, journal = {鳥取大学教育学部研究報告. 教育科学, The journal of the Faculty of Education. Educational science}, month = {Jun}, note = {The purpose of this study was to construct a teaching plan and practice for food style of rice and culture in junior high school. The subject were 39 junior high school students. The results were as follows: 1. They understood the appropriate cooking operation for the kind of rice through experimental cookeries. 2. It was necessary to advance their interest to cross-cultural understanding of food in this plan.}, pages = {115--125}, title = {中学校における「米の食べ方と文化」の授業}, volume = {40}, year = {1998}, yomi = {ヤマダ, トモコ and フジタ, ヒロミ and ヨゴ, ムネノリ and イケダ, カズユキ and モリモト, ジュンコ and トリイ, ヨウコ and ヤマダ, トモコ and フジタ, ヒロミ and ヨゴ, ムネノリ and イケダ, カズユキ and モリモト, ジュンコ and トリイ, ヨウコ} }