@inproceedings{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007034, author = {Nakanishi, Isao and Takahashi, Atsushi}, book = {Proceedings of 2018 IEEE R10 Conference (TENCON2018), Proceedings of 2018 IEEE R10 Conference (TENCON2018)}, month = {Oct}, note = {A novel writer verification method based on fingerwriting of a simple symbol on a tablet is proposed. The symbol is well known, unmistakable to write, and never forgotten, for example, a circle, triangle, or square. In this paper, a development environment for finger-writing the symbols on an Android tablet is constructed and finger-written data are captured from twenty experimental subjects. Using simple on-line and off-line individual features extracted from finger-writing data, the verification performance is examined and as a result, it is hopefully confirmed that the proposed method is feasible especially when relative individual features are used.}, pages = {2226--2230}, publisher = {IEEE}, title = {A Study on Writer Verification Based on Finger-Writing of a Simple Symbol on a Tablet}, year = {2018} }