@inproceedings{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007042, author = {Fujita, Kohei and Ishimoto, Yuya and Nakanishi, Isao and Nakanishi, Isao and Fujita, Kohei and Ishimoto, Yuya}, book = {Proceding of 2020 12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2020), Proceding of 2020 12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2020)}, month = {}, note = {In recent years, biometrics such as fingerprints and iris scans has been used in authentication. However, conventional biometrics is vulnerable to identity theft, especially in user management systems. As a new biometric without this vulnerability, we focused on intra-palm propagation signals, which are not exposed on a body surface. An intra-palm propagation signal is a signal that propagates between two pairs of electrodes, which are on the transmitter and receiver sides on a palm. When current passes between the electrodes on the transmitter side, the leakage electric field is generated. On the receiver side, this electric field is detected as a voltage change and regarded as an intra-palm propagation signal. In this paper, a new feature based on a phase spectrum of an intra-palm propagation signal is proposed, and its performance for verifying individuals is examined by the evaluation.}, pages = {86--90}, publisher = {IEEE}, title = {Person Verification Using Intra-Palm Propagation Signals with A New Phase Spectrum}, year = {2020}, yomi = {フジタ, コウヘイ and イシモト, ユウヤ and ナカニシ, イサオ and フジタ, コウヘイ and イシモト, ユウヤ} }