@book{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007056, author = {鶴崎, 展巨 and Tsurusaki, Nobuo}, month = {Sep}, note = {東京都心部にある明治神宮において,2012 年に採集されたザトウムシ類を検査した結果,モエギザトウムシ(カワザトウムシ科)とコアカザトウムシ(アカザトウムシ科)の生息が確認された.モエギザトウムシは,森林生息性の長脚型のザトウムシとしては,東京23 区より初めて記録された. / Opilionid specimens collected from the precincts of Meiji Jingu, which is located in the center of the capital Tokyo, in 2012 were examined. As a result, a sclerosomatid harvestman, Leiobunum japonicum Müller (Sclerosomatidae) and a small soil-dwelling laniatorid, Proscotolemon sauteri Roewer (Phalangodidae) were found to occur in the precincts. The former is the first record of long-legged species of harvestmen within the area of 23 wards in Tokyo.}, publisher = {明治神宮社務所}, title = {明治神宮のザトウムシ目}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ツルサキ, ノブオ} }