@book{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007065, author = {中西, 功 and Nakanishi, Isao and Yamazaki, Masaya and Horiuchi, Takahiro}, month = {}, note = {In this study, individuals were asked to draw a symbol by using their fingertips on a digital device screen. This study focused on finger-touch direction information that can be extracted from a smartphone screen. To suppress rapid changes in the detected direction data, preprocessing was introduced, and its effectiveness was confirmed by evaluating the verification performance. Finally, representing the direction data as a frequency distribution was introduced as a new feature, which was demonstrated to improve the verification performance.}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Finger-Touch Direction Feature Using a Frequency Distribution in the Writer Verification Base on Finger-Writing of a Simple Symbol}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ナカニシ, イサオ} }