@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007076, author = {道見, 康弘 and Domi, Yasuhiro and 薄井, 洋行 and Usui, Hiroyuki and 坂口, 裕樹 and Sakaguchi, Hiroki and Sugimoto, Kai and Gotoh, Kazuma and Nishikawa, Kei}, issue = {35}, journal = {ACS OMEGA, ACS OMEGA}, month = {Sep}, note = {Silicides are attractive novel active materials for use in the negative-electrodes of next-generation lithium-ion batteries that use certain ionic-liquid electrolytes; however, the reaction mechanism of the above combination is yet to be clarified. Possible reactions at the silicide electrode are as follows: deposition and dissolution of Li metal on the electrode, lithiation and delithiation of Si, which would result from the phase separation of the silicide, and alloying and dealloying of the silicide with Li. Herein, we examined these possibilities using various analysis methods. The results revealed that the lithiation and delithiation of silicide occurred.}, pages = {22631--22636}, title = {Reaction Behavior of a Silicide Electrode with Lithium in an Ionic-Liquid Electrolyte}, volume = {5}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ドウミ, ヤスヒロ and ウスイ, ヒロユキ and サカグチ, ヒロキ} }