@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007149, author = {野上, 敏材 and Nokami, Toshiki and 伊藤, 敏幸 and Itoh, Toshiyuki and Manmode, Sujit and Tanabe, Shichidai and Yamamoto, Takashi and Sasaki, Norihiko}, issue = {7}, journal = {CHEMISTRYOPEN, CHEMISTRYOPEN}, month = {Jul}, note = {Electrochemical glycosylation of a linear oligosaccharide with a protecting-group-free primary hydroxyl group afforded cyclic oligo-saccharides, up to hexasaccharides, in high yields. Precursors of the cyclic oligosaccharides were prepared by automated electro-chemical assembly-a method for the automated electrochemical solution-phase synthesis of oligosaccharides. We demonstrated that electrochemical glycosylation is useful not only for intermolecular glycosylation but also for intramolecular glycosylation to synthesize cyclic oligosaccharides.}, pages = {869--872}, title = {Electrochemical Glycosylation as an Enabling Tool for the Stereoselective Synthesis of Cyclic Oligosaccharides}, volume = {8}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ノカミ, トシキ and イトウ, トシユキ} }