@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007296, author = {Usui, Hiroyuki and Usui, Hiroyuki and Nomura, Masahito and Nishino, Hiroki and Kusatusu, Masatoshi and Murota, Tadatoshi and Sakaguchi, Hiroki and Sakaguchi, Hiroki and Nomura, Masahito and Nishino, Hiroki and Kusatusu, Masatoshi and Murota, Tadatoshi}, journal = {Materials letters, Materials letters}, month = {Sep}, note = {Novel composite materials consisted of elemental Si and rare-earth metal silicides, Sm–Si, Gd–Si, and Dy–Si, were synthesized and were evaluated for the first time as a high-performance anode material of Li-ion battery. Thick-film electrodes of the silicide/Si composites were prepared by an arc melting method and a successive gas-deposition method. Among them, the Gd–Si/Si composite electrode exhibited reversible Li-insertion/extraction reactions and the best cycling performance: the initial Coulombic efficiency was 80% and the discharge capacity at the 1000th cycle was 840 mA h g–1. In addition to this, the composite electrode delivered a superb high-rate performance with the capacity of 2100 mA h g–1 even at the high current rate of 12.0 A g–1 (4.8C). The remarkable performances demonstrated that the gadolinium silicide is favorable to significantly enhance anode properties of Si-based composite electrodes.}, pages = {61--64}, title = {Gadolinium silicide/silicon composite with excellent high-rate performance as lithium-ion battery anode}, volume = {130}, year = {2014} }