@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007410, author = {中島, 照浩 and 安藤, 嘉紀 and 谷口, 朋代 and Taniguchi, Tomoyo and Nakashima, Teruhiro and Ando, Yoshiki}, journal = {応用力学論文集 = Journal of applied mechanics : JSCE, 応用力学論文集 = Journal of applied mechanics : JSCE}, month = {Aug}, note = {The uplift of the flat-bottom cylindrical shell tank has been considered to contribute to the various damage of the tanks. The motion of the free surface and the fluid pressure characterize dynamical effects of the fluid on the tank induced by the uplift motion. Therefore, to properly evaluate the seismic-resistance performance of the tank, account must be made of these behaviors mathematically and numerically. The present paper examines the applicability of the explicit FE-Analysis to numerically compute these behaviors. As we shortly see, the explicit FE-Analysis accurately predicts the motion of the free surface observed during the free rocking test of the tank and the fluid pressure on the tank mathematically derived based on Laplace equation and associate boundary conditions.}, pages = {1047--1054}, title = {平底円筒貯槽の浮上り挙動への陽解法の適用性に関する基礎的研究}, volume = {11}, year = {2008}, yomi = {ナカシマ, テルヒロ and アンドウ, ヨシノリ and タニグチ, トモヨ and ナカシマ, テルヒロ and アンドウ, ヨシノリ} }