@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007418, author = {小林, 真也 and 小野, 祐輔 and Ono, Yusuke and 谷口, 朋代 and Taniguchi, Tomoyo and 向坊, 恭介 and Mukaibo, Kyosuke and Kobayashi, Shinya}, journal = {構造工学論文集. A = Journal of structural engineering. A, 構造工学論文集. A = Journal of structural engineering. A}, month = {Jun}, note = {A design method for achieving optimal viscous damper arrangement in multi-degree-of-freedom structure is presented in this paper. The optimal damper arrangement is realized by minimizing the object function which is the sum of the additional damper coefficients under constraints to be provided by allowable response displacement of each story. Giving the maximum response displacement of each story as the function of the additional viscous damper coefficients evaluated by use of the SRSS method enables to apply the nonlinear programming algorithm for solving the minimizing problem. The optimal damper arrangements for two sample structure models under the action of horizontal ground acceleration are implemented by the proposed design method and their reasonability is thoroughly discussed.}, pages = {115--122}, title = {非線形計画法を用いた多自由度構造物の粘性ダンパーの最適設計法}, volume = {63A}, year = {2018}, yomi = {コバヤシ, シンヤ and オノ, ユウスケ and タニグチ, トモヨ and ムカイボウ, キョウスケ and コバヤシ, シンヤ} }