@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007419, author = {杉本, 和俊 and 谷口, 朋代 and Taniguchi, Tomoyo and 向坊, 恭介 and Mukaibo, Kyosuke and 小野, 祐輔 and Ono, Yusuke and Sugimoto, Kazutoshi}, journal = {構造工学論文集. A = Journal of structural engineering. A, 構造工学論文集. A = Journal of structural engineering. A}, month = {Jun}, note = {At Kumamoto earthquake on April 16, 2016, at 1:25 AM, the jumping behavior of the unanchored wooden structure named Chozu-sha was reported. To explain it in view of dynamics of discontinuous systems, the Chozu-sha is modeled by two-story rigid rectangular block, and its equations of motion are derived. Employing a corresponding recorded accelerogram, its jumping motion is computed. Comparison of the jumping distance computed with that reported yields that the proposed procedure may explain a major mechanism of the jumping of the Chozu-sha. Its essence is that the jumping distance is elongated if the horizontal acceleration which is larger than the rocking commencement acceleration but is smaller than the maximum acceleration lasts longer.}, pages = {279--288}, title = {時間的に不連続な系の運動の観点に基づく手水舎の跳躍現象の説明}, volume = {63A}, year = {2018}, yomi = {スギモト, カズトシ and タニグチ, トモヨ and ムカイボウ, キョウスケ and オノ, ユウスケ and スギモト, カズトシ} }