@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007658, author = {石本, 雄真 and Ishimoto, Yuma and 山根, 隆宏 and 小林, 勝年 and Kobayashi, Katsutoshi and YAMANE, Takahiro}, journal = {鳥取大学教育研究論集, Journal of educational studies, Tottori University}, month = {Mar}, note = {01062, 01616, In Japan, schools were suddenly closed all over the country with one month left at the end of the school year to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Although previous studies have shown that quarantine and isolation have a negative impact on mental health, the impact of school closure on children's mental health was not clear. This study examined mental health indicators, such as emotional symptoms, in addition to behavior during school closure and anxiety after school resumes, among children in two junior high schools. In one of those two schools, a comparison was also conducted with the emotional symptoms before the school closure. No cases of infection have been confirmed in the area where the school was located at the time of the survey. The results showed that, anxiety about infection and anxiety about whether they would be able to return to their normal routine after school resumed were associated with mental health. In addition, there was a worsening of emotional symptoms in those who were in high group of school adjustment before school closure.}, pages = {1--11}, title = {COVID-19の感染拡大予防のための一斉休校が中学生のメンタルヘルスに与える影響}, volume = {13}, year = {2023}, yomi = {イシモト, ユウマ and コバヤシ, カツトシ} }