@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007686, author = {加藤, 紗也香 and 松本, 祐香 and 佐伯, 由美 and 谷村, 千華 and TANIMURA, Chika and KATO, Sayaka and MATSUMOTO, Yuka and SAEKI, Yumi}, issue = {1-3}, journal = {米子医学雑誌, The Journal of the Yonago Medical Association}, month = {May}, note = {03073, 03827, This study aimed to determine the needs of families of patients who visited the emergency room and to investigate the relationship between the identified needs and patient characteristics (disease type, severity, and content of the medical examination), basic family attributes, social factors, and psychological state. The study was a self-administered questionnaire survey conducted in 47 family members of patients who visited the emergency room during the study period. A principal component analysis was used to confirm the one-dimensionality of needs, and an unpaired t test was used to analyze the related factors of each need. The study identified 3 needs and their related factors[: Need for understanding the patient’s condition] was related to “Severe disease” and “High levels of state anxiety in family members”[; Need for prompt and sincere response] was related to “First hospital visit,” “Severe disease,” “Family members bringing in patients who are children,” “Patient has multiple symptoms,” and “Family member lives with the patient” ; and [Need to adjust waiting room environment] was related to “Female family member,” “Patient has multiple symptoms,” and “Family member lives with the patient.” The findings of the study suggest that factors such as the psychological state of families of patients with severe disease, the organizational structure and flow of the emergency room, and gender differences in mental state are related to the needs of the families of patients who visit the emergency room.}, pages = {34--44}, title = {救急外来を受診した患者家族のニーズとその関連要因}, volume = {74}, year = {2023}, yomi = {サエキ, ユミ and タニムラ, チカ and サエキ, ユミ} }