@article{oai:repository.lib.tottori-u.ac.jp:00007699, author = {Son, Daisuke and 田中, 孟 and Yamaguchi, Koichi and 井上, 和興 and Inoue, Kazuoki and 紙本, 美菜子 and Kamimoto, Minako and Lee, Young and 濵田, 紀宏 and Hamada, Toshihiro and 谷口, 晋一 and Taniguchi, Shin-ichi and Koda, Masahiko and Son, Daisuke and Tanaka, Takeshi and Yamaguchi, Koichi and Lee, Young and Koda, Masahiko}, issue = {2}, journal = {Yonago Acta Medica, Yonago Acta Medica}, month = {May}, note = {03760, 00956, 04744, 00526, 03805, 01641, Background: Pre-discharge home assessment visits for elderly hospitalized patients are conducted by the hospital staff to ensure a smooth transition to home care and are effective in preventing falls and reducing the rehospitalization rates. However, the effect of an application that enables the viewing of videos of the patient’s home activities during the pre-discharge visit on the multidisciplinary professionals who provide services to the patient has not yet been fully clarified. Methods: Multidisciplinary professionals at 23 facilities located in western Tottori Prefecture who used a video-sharing application (Patto-Mie Net) were invited to be interview participants. Those who agreed were interviewed about the usefulness of the application in their work and its effect on multidisciplinary collaboration. A verbatim transcript was made, and thematic analysis was conducted using the qualitative analysis software NVivo. Results: Twenty-eight people participated in the interviews, including nurses, care managers, rehabilitation specialists, care workers, and other social care professions. Fourteen themes and five categories were generated from the analysis: comprehensive information visualization and transferability, identification of changes over time and prognostic prediction, promoting multidisciplinary collaboration, patient and family reality, and disadvantages and concerns. Conclusion: The use of an application that allows video-sharing of a patient’s home movement status during a pre-discharge visit has revealed a variety of benefits for multiple professionals in hospitals and other facilities. In particular, the results were characterized by the psychological closeness between multiple professionals, promotion of interprofessional communication, and sharing of reality, including the psychosocial background of the patient and family.}, pages = {273--280}, title = {Effects of Using a Video-Sharing Application on Multidisciplinary Staff During Pre-discharge Home Assessment Visits for Elderly Hospitalized Patients}, volume = {66}, year = {2023}, yomi = {タナカ, タケシ and イノウエ, カズオキ and カミモト, ミナコ and ハマダ, トシヒロ and タニグチ, シンイチ and コウダ, マサヒコ and タナカ, タケシ and コウダ, マサヒコ} }